工作倦怠研究及解决方案美国WFD咨询公司是一家研究劳逸关系、人才管理、工作负荷、工作加班的专业咨询机构。WFD咨询公司最近公布的一项研究成果表明:在低价值工作上花费太长时间,会加重员工的倦怠现象,对员工的积极性与生产率产生负面影响。参加WFD公司这次研究受调查的员工,每周平均工作时间为52小时,即每周加班超过了9小时,几乎20%的工作时间是在做低值、低效的事情。结果,三分之二的员工一天工作下来都感觉身心疲惫,3 0%的员工说工作压力大。一周工作60小时员工的压力是一周工作40小时员工压力的两倍多。工作压力大的员工对企业的投
Job burnout research and solutions WFD consulting firm in the United States is a research work and rest relations, talent management, workload, work overtime professional advisory body. A recent study published by WFD Consulting indicates that spending too much time on low-value jobs aggravates burnout among employees and negatively impacts employee motivation and productivity. Participating WFD The surveyed employees in this study averaged 52 hours of work week, or more than 9 hours of overtime per week, and almost 20% of their work hours were low-value and inefficient. As a result, two-thirds of workers feel physically and mentally exhausted when they work, and 30% say they are under pressure. The pressure of working 60 hours a week is more than double the pressure of working 40 hours a week. Work pressure of employees cast on the business