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全国农产品价格基本平稳据商务部监测,“十一”黄金周7天,全国农产品价格基本平稳,实现社会消费品零售总额近3500亿元,比去年同期增长16%,涨幅比去年增加1.5个百分点。其中,上海实现零售额50.95亿元,同比增长20.5%,增幅比今年“五一节”、春节分别提高3.7个、6.1个百分点。黄金周期间,各地生活必需品市场供应充足、品种丰富,粮油价格保持平稳,猪肉价格稳中有落,牛羊禽肉、鸡蛋及蔬菜价格有所上扬。从主要品种来看,小包装大米和小包装面粉价格与节前基本持平。食用油价格略有波动,其中,菜籽油价格较节前下跌0.3%,调和油价格上涨0.4%,豆油和花生油价格均与节前持平。 According to the statistics from the Ministry of Commerce, “National 11th Golden Week” showed that the prices of agricultural products in China were basically stable. The total retail sales of social consumer goods reached nearly 350 billion yuan, an increase of 16% over the same period of last year, an increase of 1.5 over last year percentage point. Among them, Shanghai achieved retail sales of 5.095 billion yuan, an increase of 20.5%, an increase over this year “May Day ”, the Spring Festival increased by 3.7, 6.1 percentage points. During the Golden Week, the daily necessities market around the country was abundantly supplied with abundant varieties. The grain and oil prices remained stable. The prices of pork and pork kept steady while the prices of poultry, eggs, eggs and vegetables rose. From the main species point of view, the price of small packages of rice and small package flour basically the same as before the holiday. The price of edible oil fluctuated slightly. Among them, the price of rapeseed oil decreased 0.3% from the preganglionic level and the blended oil price increased 0.4%. Both the prices of soybean oil and peanut oil remained unchanged from the pre-holiday level.
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语言作为一种“表达观念的符号系统”(a system of distinct signs corresponding to distinct ideas),在交际时以词为独立应用的意义单位。交际内容落实到书面上(即形成所
作者简介  Bedi,观潮网创始人,著名时尚观察人。     新一期的福布斯富翁排行公布,除了全世界最有钱的人变成了墨西哥电信巨头卡洛斯·斯利姆·埃卢之外,本次榜单的另一个显著特点是许多发展中国家以及金砖四国的富翁都进入了榜单,并且名列前茅。这张千人富豪榜中的97位新面孔中,有62位来自亚洲,而且他们大多自力更生,白手起家,而并非来自家族的继承。  今年有64位中国富翁进入榜单,在数量上达到世界第