本文分析了葡萄胎155例,施行预防性子宫切除者79例(50.68%),施预防手术者病检发现16例为恶葡,而手术病检阴性者也有7例以后恶变。据本资料与综合有关文献,我们认为决定预防性手术或预防性化疗应以刮宫后的症状及尿 HCG 下降情况作为一个重要的参考。尿 HCG 在4周尚未降至正常或持续存在阴道流血及咯血者其恶变可能性甚大,应考虑预防性化疗,而年龄超过40岁以上者恶变率较高保留子宫似无必要,切除子宫可以预防一部分葡萄胎的恶变。
In this paper, 155 cases of hydatidiform mole, 79 cases (50.68%) of prophylactic hysterectomy, 16 cases of pathological examination of prophylactic surgery were found to be malignant, and 7 cases of negative surgical operation were malignant. According to the information and comprehensive literature, we believe that the decision of preventive surgery or prophylactic chemotherapy should curettage of symptoms and urinary HCG decreased as an important reference. Urine HCG 4 weeks has not yet dropped to normal or persistent vaginal bleeding and hemoptysis were malignant possibility is very large, should consider preventive chemotherapy, while those over the age of 40 higher malignant rate of retention of the uterus seems unnecessary, removal of the uterus can prevent A part of mole malignant change.