It is well known that heparin is a stable monovalent or divalent salt formed by unstable heparinase and is produced by the reaction of hexuronic acid (D-glucuronic acid and L-iduronic acid) and the α, 1 → 4 glycoside The polymer of disaccharide units formed by the linkage of 6-0- and N-sulfated aminoglycoside. Since the discovery and isolation of heparin from tissues in 1917, its anticoagulant properties have long been known. Heparin is present in many different forms in many tissues and cells and binds more or less loosely to the protein. In the skin of various species of animals and in the lungs of certain animals, heparin is present in high molecular weight forms that are more sensitive to ascorbic acid or to the action of certain enzymes thought to be present in the intestinal mucosa. After treatment with ascorbate or intestinal mucosal homogenate, the macromolecules of this lung or skin heparin can be reduced to those associated with intestinal mucosal heparin