The Spring Festival

来源 :中学生英语·阅读与写作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crazyinlove_2008
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  The Spring Festival is most important① festival in China. It has a long history. People in China all like the festival very much.
  Before the Spring Festival, I usually help my mother clean our house, decorate the rooms and prepare for the new year. We get together and have dumplings for dinner on New Year’s Eve. On New Year’s Day, I often put on my new clothes and visit friends and relatives with my parents. I can also get many②“lucky money” and presents. The Spring Festival ends on the Lantern Festival.
  I enjoy my Spring Festival very much. What about you?
   江苏省赣榆县罗阳中学七(5)班 朱金星
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