As early as 1942 Alden found ovariectomized ovariectomized rats did not affect the transport of eggs, suggesting that rat egg transport is not affected by ovulation after ovarian hormone secretion. However, so far no similar reports have been reported in mice. Some people think that tubal muscle activity to promote the transport of eggs, ovulation by the progesterone is controlled by the ovulation, but not by ovarian hormone secretion after ovulation. This article attempts to prove this hypothesis with anti-progesterone steroids in mice. Excision of ovaries on the first day of pregnancy in mice did not affect the transport of eggs. Progesterone was administered on the day of early estrus and the blastocyst transit was significantly accelerated. For example, in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, anti-progesterone steroid-RMI_ (12936) was given a significantly delayed position in the genital tract compared with the control group, indicating that the hormone prevents blastocyst transport. Author