1、项目概况: 1.1现状概况天籁.山海花园生态居住区位于烟台市莱山区,属迎新社区规划的一部分,靠近烟台市新的行政中心,高等教育学校等,交通便捷,向北穿过隧道与老城区芝罘区相连,环境优美。小区地势呈北高南低,规划用地群山环抱,绿晓萦绕,西南面临近山海路,东面和北面靠近规划的环山路临近山体,南邻规划路,现状为果园、小村庄及局部新建住宅地。山海路已建成通车,各种市政管线均已铺
1, Project Overview: 1.1 Status Quo Teana. Shanhai Garden Ecological Residential Area is located in Laishan District, Yantai City. It is a part of Yingxin Community Planning. Close to the new administrative center of Yantai, higher education schools and so on, the traffic is convenient. The plot is high in the north and low in the south. The land for planning is surrounded by mountains and surrounded by green and dawn. The southwest is near Shanhai Road. The east and north near the planned Huanshan Road are near the mountain and the south is adjacent to the planned road. The status quo is the orchards, small villages, Residential land. Shanhai Road has been opened to traffic, all municipal pipeline have been shop