天津市肿瘤登记处是以人群为基础的肿瘤登记系统 ,位于天津市肿瘤研究所内 ,始建于1978年 ,1981年与世界卫生组织国际癌症研究中心合作 ,按国际肿瘤登记的标准完善系统 ,是我国被国际认可的三个肿瘤登记处之一。天津肿瘤登记工作是根据天津市卫生局行政命令 ,并纳入医
The Tianjin Cancer Registry is a population-based cancer registration system located in the Tianjin Institute of Tumor Research. It was founded in 1978 and cooperated with the International Cancer Research Center of the WHO in 1981. The system is based on international standards for tumor registration. One of the three cancer registries in China that are internationally recognized. Tianjin cancer registration is based on the administrative order of the Tianjin Health Bureau and is included in the medical