江西省永丰县农机监理站近年来切实转变观念,为民办实事,改变以往监理人员与机手之间的管与被管的关系为服务与被服务的关系。农机监理站的工作人员深入到全县26个乡镇开展检审工作,此举既减轻了机手来回县城检审的经济负担,又方便了农民机手办事,受到了广大农机手的好评。同时,又提高了全县农用机动车的参检率。 在开展年检中,农机监理人员严格按照国家技术监督局颁布的《机动车运行安全技术条例》的要求进行检验,尽量简化办事程序,在收费时严格按照物价部门批准的收费标准收费,决不向农民机手多收费和搭车收费。在检验机动车时,为加强对农机手的交
In recent years, Yongfeng County Agricultural Machinery Supervision Station of Jiangxi Province has effectively changed its concept and changed the relationship between the service and the service being the relationship between the supervisory staff and the custodian’s management and management in the past. Agricultural supervision station staff in-depth to 26 counties throughout the county to carry out the review, this move not only to reduce the financial burden on the county seat review, but also to facilitate the work of farmers, by the majority of agricultural machinery. At the same time, it also increased the county’s motor vehicle inspection rate. During the annual inspection, the supervisory staff of agricultural machinery strictly inspected the requirements of the “Technical Regulations on Safety Operation of Motor Vehicles” promulgated by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision to try their best to simplify procedures and charges in strict accordance with the fees approved by the price department, Farmers hand charges and ride charges. In the inspection of motor vehicles, to enhance the hands of agricultural machinery