蚤蝇对食用菌的危害,报道较多是在蘑菇上,且多发生在炎热的夏季。一、造成为害的种类及形态特征:在杯菌,鲍鱼菇上造成危害的蚤蝇有两种,优势种是一种白翅型蚤蝇。学名Megaselia sp,形态特征:成虫小而活泼、行动非常迅速。体长1.4—1.8毫米,平均1.5毫米左右;体黑色,翅白色;复眼深黑色、大、馒头形,两复眼无接触;触觉近短圆柱形、三节、暗红色、触角芒长;单眼三个;额宽,眼框鬃三条,较细弱;下鄂鬚黄色;胸部大,向上隆起很高,中胸背板大,小盾片小,呈明显的▽形;最显目的特征是翅白色、很短,休息
Hazard of flies on edible mushrooms, reported more in mushrooms, and occurs in the hot summer. First, the types and morphological characteristics of the harm caused: in the fungi, abalone mushrooms on the hazards of two kinds of fleas, the dominant species is a white-winged flies. Scientific name Megaselia sp, morphological characteristics: adult small and lively, very fast action. Body length 1.4-1.8 mm, an average of about 1.5 mm; body black, white wings; compound eyes dark black, large, bread-shaped, the two compound eyes without contact; touch nearly cylindrical short, three dark red, antennae; monocular three ; Forehead wide, eyebrow bristles three, relatively weak; the next beard yellow; chest large, uplift high, in the back of the chest large, small scutellum was obvious ▽ shape; the most obvious feature is the wing white, Very short, rest