1 临床资料患者男性,24岁。因阵发性咳喘伴乏力、多汗、血压增高4个月于1993年2月20日入院。2年前患者出现发作性头昏伴乏力、多汗,持续1小时左右可自行缓解,未予诊治。4个月前出现阵发性咳嗽、喘憋、夜间不能平卧,逐渐尿量减少,双下肢水肿。就诊于当地某医院,测血压24/13.3 kPa(180/100
1 clinical data patients male, 24 years old. Due to paroxysmal cough with fatigue, sweating, blood pressure increased 4 months on February 20, 1993 admission. 2 years ago, patients with episodes of dizziness with fatigue, sweating, sustained about 1 hour can be self-remission, no diagnosis and treatment. 4 months ago, paroxysmal cough, wheezing, at night can not lie down, gradually reduce the amount of urine, lower extremity edema. Visit a local hospital to measure blood pressure 24 / 13.3 kPa (180/100