东南亚各国经济的快速增长令全世界惊羡不已。在经济快速增长的同时,贫富之间的差距也在急剧地扩大,并已开始引发严重的社会冲突。 东南亚的经济增长有效地提高了当地人民的生活水准,但对穷人来说,他们得到的好处却很少。印度尼西亚的贫困人口在总人口中所占比率已由1971年的70%下降至今天的14%。但据调查,仍有82%的人每月的生活费用不足26美元。在首都雅加达,有权有势的富人们为了举办一场婚礼而不惜花费400万美元,而家住边远省份的穷人们为了养家糊口,不得不为每
The rapid economic growth in Southeast Asian countries has amazed the world. At the same time of rapid economic growth, the gap between the rich and the poor is also rapidly expanding and it has begun to trigger serious social conflicts. Economic growth in Southeast Asia has effectively raised the living standards of the local people, but for the poor, they have received very few benefits. The share of the poor in Indonesia as a percentage of the total population has dropped from 70% in 1971 to 14% today. However, according to the survey, 82% still have less than $ 26 in living expenses per month. In the capital city of Jakarta, wealthy and powerful people spend 4 million U.S. dollars to host a wedding ceremony, while the poor who live in remote provinces have to pay for every