今年是党的十六大召开之年 ,全党掀起了学习江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想和迎接党的十六大的热潮 ,值此之际 ,“全国高校党委书记论坛”于6月26日在北京师范大学隆重举办。这次论坛以“‘三个代表’重要思想与高校软环境建设”为主题。来自全国45所著名高校的党委书记
This year marks the convening of the 16th CPC National Congress. The whole party has set forth the important thought of studying Comrade Jiang Zemin’s “Three Represents,” and welcomed the 16th CPC National Congress. On the occasion of this, the “Forum of Party Committees of Universities and Colleges in June” 26th held in Beijing Normal University. The forum focused on the theme of "the important thinking of the ’Three Represents and the building of a soft environment in colleges and universities’. Party committee secretary from 45 famous universities in China