新闻背景:2008年8月6日,北京市密云县翁庄镇溪翁庄村溪水花园发生了一桩灭门惨案,死者是陈天明、孙晓静夫妇和他们1 8岁的女儿陈迪。陈天明一家均是被利器割伤颈部失血致死,屋内没有打斗痕迹,符合熟人作案的特点。很快,警方将靳博军锁定为怀疑目标,原因是陈天明一家在搬迁以前曾与靳博军是前后院的邻居,而靳博军曾在1994年时,以同样的手法用菜刀割伤了本村一村民的颈部。2008年8月1 2日,靳博军在家中被抓获。经过核对,靳博军的指纹与警方在凶案现场提取的指纹相同。审讯过程中,靳博军如实供述了作案的动机和行凶的经过:靳博军趁陈天明夫妇上班的时间想对独自在家的陈迪施暴,却遭到了陈迪的激烈反抗,恼羞成怒的靳博军将陈迪杀死。之后,他怕罪行败露,决定杀人灭口。孙晓静与陈天明先后相隔20分钟回到家中,都遭到了靳博军的毒手。
News Background: On August 6, 2008, an extermination massacre took place in Xiwengzhuang Village, Wengzhuang Village, Wengzhuang Town, Miyun County, Beijing. The dead were Chen Tianming, Sun Xiaojing and their daughter Chen Di, 18. Chen Tianming are cut by a sharp weapon neck bleeding dead, no traces of fighting inside the house, in line with the characteristics of acquaintances committing the crime. Soon, the police locked Jin Boyun into suspicion because the former Chen Tian-ming and Jin Bojun were former neighbors of the former and the latter before relocation, and Jin Jinjun cut the neck of a villager in his village in the same way with a kitchen knife in 1994 . On August 12, 2008, Jin Boyjun was captured at home. After checking, the fingerprints of Jin Bojun and the police took the same fingerprints on the scene of the murder. In the process of interrogation, Jin Boyun truthfully stated the motive of the crime and the passing of the assassination: Jin Bojun tried to kill Chen Di, who was alone at home while Chen Tianming and his wife were at work, but was furiously opposed by Chen Di. After that, he was afraid of crime and decided to murder. Sun Xiaojing and Chen Tianming have been back home 20 minutes apart, have been Jin Pojun’s hand.