新采煤设备应用之后,出现了许多工作面月产量达到2 000~2 0000 t的高产回采工作面;产量高,瓦斯突出严重。需要采用煤层抽放瓦斯的方法才能降低甲烷的浓度。因此需要安全可靠地钻孔设备。俄国科学院西伯利亚分院和水采专门化公司联合研发了CбР-400型钻机,供瓦斯煤层和煤
After the application of new coal mining equipment, there have been many high-yielding mining faces with monthly production of 2 000 to 2 000 t at the working face; high output and serious gas outburst. The need to use coal seam methane drainage methods to reduce the methane concentration. Therefore, it is necessary to drill the equipment safely and reliably. Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and water extraction specialized company jointly developed the CбР-400 drilling rig for gas coal and coal