【摘 要】
△ eat carrots, do not cut well in advance, because cut carrots susceptible to bacterial contamination and deterioration. △ onion do not cut well and then save. Onions can be easily oxidized, and it is hard to digest after being oxidized. △ When washing duck down products or wide sheets at home, it is best to wash with warm coconut soap so as not to damage the fibers and make the laundry fade. △ Remove the stain on the iron is: When the iron is hot, use wax
Summer often want to be a salad at home, with sweet, sour, salty spices mix, sweet,
There is a long winter in northeastern China,
Zhejiang famous tea since ancient times. The yield, variety, each with its in
西瓜鸡 把一只鸡宰杀洗净,剔下精肉切成块,然后用黄酒一两半,味精、葱、姜、盐、糖各适量与它拌匀。
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The melon flower b
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