When the etiology of paranitis in childhood is gonococcal, tuberculous or nonspecific, only nonspecific forms have been reported in patients under two years old, and 32 cases of infantile epididymitis have been reported in the literature. In the past, most diagnoses were surgically probed because the main concern was usually the slippage of the spermatic cord or testis. Understanding of the potential situation of baby boys susceptible to urinary tract infections, combined with advances in modern diagnostic techniques, makes it possible to make non-surgical diagnosis of selective pediatric patients. Case Report Patients A, W, 9 months old, Caucasian, male, fever when coming to hospital, crying for 24 hours while urinating, and found a tender mass in the right groin and the scrotum. At birth due to mention levator ani muscle atlanto-off and sigmoid colon 襻 incision, since there was once stool discharged from the urethra. Postoperative intravenous pyelography (ivp) test results were normal, rectal barium enema found rectum bladder fistula. Physical examination: axillary temperature 101 ° F, colon incision