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根据钢筋混凝土梁锈胀开裂的特点,考虑钢筋锈蚀不均匀性,对锈胀裂缝宽度实测值进行修正。结合对钢筋锈蚀开裂后锈蚀物体积膨胀的量化分析,得到了混凝土开裂后的钢筋锈蚀率基于锈胀裂缝宽度的计算模型,并通过电解液加速锈蚀方法对配筋混凝土试块进行加速腐蚀试验,拟合出了实用的锈蚀率计算式。采用7根钢筋混凝土梁的电解液加速腐蚀试验进行验证。结果表明:锈胀裂缝宽度与钢筋锈蚀率近似呈线性变化;在钢筋不均匀锈蚀的情况下,采用间接法计算得到的钢筋最大锈蚀率与试验平均锈蚀率的比值在1.4~2.4之间,与实际情况符合较好。 According to the characteristics of corrosion cracking of reinforced concrete beam, considering the corrosion unevenness of steel bars, the measured value of the width of corrosion crack is corrected. Based on the quantitative analysis of the corrosive volume expansion after corroded cracking, the calculation model of corroded corrosion rate of concrete after cracking was obtained based on the width of corrosive crack. Accelerated corrosion test of reinforced concrete test block was carried out by electrolytic corrosion accelerated method. Fitting a practical formula for calculating the corrosion rate. Using seven reinforced concrete beams accelerated corrosion test to verify. The results show that the width of corrosion crack and the corrosion rate of steel bar change approximately linearly. The ratio of the maximum corrosion rate to the average corrosion rate of steel bar calculated by indirect method is between 1.4 and 2.4 in the case of uneven corrosion of steel bar. The actual situation in line with better.
时下,有关教育专家把那些事业有成、在单位从事管理工作的父母定义为“强势家长”。强势家长多是公司的高级管理人员、教育工作者或有执法权的公务员,社会地位相对较高,社会责任感较强,在工作中一丝不苟,所以在教育孩子的过程中会不自觉地带上职业色彩,步入家教误区。  妈妈为什么只爱我的分数  小茜,初中三年级学生,提起妈妈她一脸的无奈——  我父母都是大学毕业,都在企业做管理工作。我从上小学开始,就感到父母对