埃克哈特·托尔(Eckhart Tolle),当代伟大的灵性导师和作家,出生于德国,曾就读于伦敦大学与剑桥大学。29岁那年的一次意外经历使他的生命轨迹发生了彻底改变。在接下来的几年间,他潜心于解释、梳理并抒发这种内在的心灵转变。之后,他在伦敦工作,担任顾问与心灵导师。1995年起,他定居于加拿大的温哥华。埃克哈特目前周游世界各地,广泛游说讲学,让更多的人去分享他自己的心灵感悟,帮助人们摆脱痛苦并进入内心的和平世界,找到真我的力量。埃克哈特教导的核心在于意识的转变,一种心灵的觉醒,他视这种心灵的觉醒为人类进化的下一个阶段,其本质
Eckhart Tolle, a great spiritual master and author of the present age, was born in Germany and studied at the University of London and Cambridge University. An accidental experience at the age of 29 revolutionized his trajectory. Over the next few years, he devoted himself to explaining, combing and expressing this inner spiritual shift. Later, he worked in London as a consultant and spiritual mentor. Since 1995, he has settled in Vancouver, Canada. Eckhart currently travels all over the world, extensively lobbying for lectures and letting more people share his own spiritual insights and help people get out of their pain and enter the peaceful world of inner peace and find the true strength of me. The heart of Eckhart’s teaching lies in the transformation of consciousness, a kind of spiritual awakening. He regards this spiritual awakening as the next stage of human evolution, its essence