
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mooyee6
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国家统计局发布的宏观经济数据显示,今年5月份公布的CPI为5.5%,相关专家预测今年后面几个月预计也将维持在高位。目前银行一年期存款利率为3.25%,依然是负利率时代,即您存进银行10万元,一年后加上银行为您支付的3250元利息,购买力等于上一年度的97950元,贬值2250元。目前银行处在加息周期,意味着您很难选择3年期、5年期的长期操作。 National Bureau of Statistics released macroeconomic data show that in May this year, announced a CPI of 5.5%, the experts predict the coming months will also remain high. At present the bank one-year deposit rate of 3.25%, is still the era of negative interest rates, that is, you deposited in the bank 100,000 yuan, plus one year after the bank paid you 3250 yuan interest, the purchasing power is equal to the previous year’s 97950 yuan, devaluation 2250 yuan. At present, banks are in the cycle of interest rate hikes, which means you have a hard time choosing long-term operations of 3 years and 5 years.
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本文介绍了炼钢厂应用水处理药剂的工艺流程及对选用的国产药品进行的实验过程. This paper introduces the process of application of water treatment chemicals in stee
1.根据广大读者以及部分农药企业的建议与呼声,2011年本刊将由原24期增刊至30期,即在3~8月份的农药销售旺季,每月出刊3期,以进一步加快信息的传递 1. Based on the suggestio
近日 ,马钢股份公司第一烧结厂改建球团工程破土动工。这是马钢今年实施淘汰落后工艺、加快结构调整的重要步骤。马钢第一烧结厂 1 958年建成 ,现有 5台小烧结机 ,总面积 1 3
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