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每天在一日生活中的过渡环节,如晨检之前、午睡之前、放学之前,小班的小朋友情绪会很高涨。他们说呀笑呀并且到处乱跑,任凭我大声呵斥也无济于事。几天下来我的嗓子哑了,胆小的孩子被我吓哭了,可是胆子大的孩子们还是我行我素,根本没把我的话听进去。有时候我也会出现像马玉兰老师一样抓住几个不听话的不停地批评,希望杀鸡给猴看,让他们安静一会儿。可是每天小朋友们还是一样的闹,甚至越来越凶了。我实在有些累了。有一天,当孩子们都睡着之后,我坐在床边, Every day in the transitional part of life, such as the morning before the nap, before going to bed, before school, children’s mood in small classes will be very high. They say it, laugh and run around, and let me shout loudly does not help. A few days down my throat dumb, timid child I was scared to cry, but the courageous children or their own way, did not listen to my words. Sometimes I will appear like Ma Yu Lan teacher to seize a few disobedient non-stop criticism, hoping to kill the chicken to the monkey, let them be quiet for a while. But every day the children are still the same downtown, even more and more fierce. I am really tired. One day, when the children are asleep, I sit by the bed,
<正> 在五代十国时期的南唐这个小国家里,有一个比后主李煜年长而创作成就却与李后主齐名的著名词人,他就是冯延巳。冯延巳(903—960),一名延嗣,字正中,广陵(今江苏省扬州市)
摘 要:新课标主张让学生在愉悦的氛围中学习,强调了学习环境的重要性。根据新课标的要求,教师要改变传统的教学模式,变传授者为引导者,创设轻松、良好的学习环境,激发学生的兴趣,焕发课堂的活力。   关键词:语文课堂;环境;创设策略   语文教学活动的成功离不开语文课堂环境的影响。语文教学的环境即语文课堂氛围,良好的语文课堂氛围有助于语文教学活动的进行。   学生在课堂中学习,深受课堂环境的影响,比如,