黄河三角洲平原发育了一种奇特的沉积构造 ,其形态类似漏斗 :平面上极圆形、圆形或近圆形 ,直径数厘米到 2 0~ 30cm ;下凹成坑状、深数毫米到 2 0余厘米不等 ;中心有一直立细圆管 (称为气道 ) ,直径数毫米到 2cm ,深数厘米到 10余厘米 .坑的周缘或周缘某部分有时有一唇状突起 (称为‘唇突’) ;坑内缘常有由水平层理显示的圈环构造 ;坑中心有时有碳屑、植屑或暗色矿物 .这种构造常发育在粉砂 (夹少量粘土纹层 )中 ,其下往往有一层或多层有机质薄层 .通过研究发现 ,这种沉积构造的成因与有机质生物降解泄气有关 .所以 ,将其称为“泄气坑” .
The Yellow River Delta plain developed a peculiar sedimentary structure, its shape is similar to the funnel: the plane is very round, round or nearly circular, a few centimeters in diameter to 20 ~ 30cm; pit into a pit, deep mm to 2 0 centimeters ranging from center to center; there is an upright round tube (called airway) with a diameter of several millimeters to 2 centimeters and a depth of several centimeters to more than 10 centimeters. Sometimes a lip (sometimes called lip) Sudden ’); the inner edge of the pit is often a ring-ring structure that is shown by horizontal bedding; there are sometimes carbon, plant-cuttings or dark-colored minerals in the center of the pit, often developed in silt (with a few clay layers) Often with one or more organic thin layers.Through the study found that the origin of this sedimentary structure and biological degradation of organic matter discouraged, so it is called a “leak”.