Title: “Deserted Village Apartments” Director: Luo Zhiliang To star. Yu Wenle Zhang Yuqi Fu Miao Yue Xiaojun Release Date: August 13, 2010 (China) The movie “Deserted Village Apartments” adapted from Cai Jun’s horror novel by the same name, Degree of space “,” help “and other pieces of Hong Kong ” tension master “Luo Zhiliang Zhang Jing. After the release of the first trailer of the movie, which attracted widespread attention, the film seemed to have taken the pseudo-horror trail of ”Nineteen Layers of Hell“ and ”Deserted Pub" and lost the rhythm of mystery and strangeness of the original novels. In addition to the movie still retains part of the desert village, the terrorist gradually extended to the actor Guo Jing lived in the city. Most of the time all around the love story of Guo Jing and female small branches in the description, relying on the development of the story, with the audience to God