LIGNA 2021:supports exhibitors in challenging timess

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  LIGNA’s organizers, Deutsche Messe and the German Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers’ Association, are extending the show’s exhibitor early-bird discount period by two months. Early-bird discounts for the show (Hannover, Germany, 10–14 May 2020) now close on July 31, 2020. "The coronavirus crisis poses major challenges, not least for our exhibitors, as companies serving the woodworking and wood processing industries," explained Christian Pfeiffer, Deutsche Messe’s Global Director LIGNA and Woodworking Shows."We would therefore like to support them by giving them a little more time to focus exclusively on the extremely pressing and important task of running their businesses."
  LIGNA is held every two years and is the most important wood industry event worldwide. Being a two-yearly event, its exhibitor planning and preparation period is much longer than that of annual events. Exhibitors typically register for LIGNA as early as one whole year before the show’s official opening day. This long build-up period gives them the planning certainty and time they need in order to put together what are often very elaborate showcases. For example, the showcases of many market leaders in the wood industry regularly involve live demonstrations of large-scale plant and machinery, and some exhibitors even set up full-fledged production lines. Alongside multi-year contracts, early-bird discounts give LIGNA exhibitors another prime way of keeping participation costs down.
  "In 2021, as we – hopefully – emerge from the coronavirus pandemic, it will be absolutely crucial to kick-start industrial production, get the economy moving and give businesses a forum where they can advise and inform their customers in face-to-face-meetings," Pfeiffer said."And that is where LIGNA comes in. We will do everything we can so businesses can effectively use LIGNA to promote their products and services to an international audience of prospective buyers."
  LIGNA is not only known and valued as the world’s flagship fair for woodworking and wood processing plant, machinery and tools, but also as a seedbed and spotlight for emerging trends, technologies and markets. LIGNA is also one of the most international events of its kind. In 2019, it featured over 1,500 exhibitors from 50 countries and attracted some 90,000 visitors from about 100 countries. More than 40,000 of those visitors travelled to Hannover from outside Germany. LIGNA 2021 will present solutions for every aspect of primary and secondary wood production and processing, grouped into the following display categories: Tools and Machinery for Custom and Mass Production, Surface Technology, Wood Based Panel Production, Sawmill Technology, Energy from Wood, Machine Components and Automation Technology, and Machinery for Forestry, Roundwood and Sawntimber Production. The displays will be supported by a range of special events, including the LIGNA.FORUM, the Wood Industry Summit for the forestry and primary wood industry, the LIGNA Training Workshops with their practical guidance and tips for joiners, cabinetmakers and carpenters, and a program of Guided Tours addressing specific themes. The LIGNA 2021 focus topics are Woodworking Transformation, Prefab Building Processes and Green Material Processing.
  The next LIGNA will run from 10 to 14 May 2021 in Hannover, Germany.
全球会展行业成立联盟推动可持续发展  5月中旬,全球20多个领先的会展行业成立会展业可持续发展共同联盟(SEBIG),来推动会展行业在环境保护方面做出更大作用。SEBIG由知名会展营销与品牌公司服务商Freeman公司和全球最大会展主办方英富曼公司牵头,会员还包括各地主要会展主办方、场馆、会展中心与服务供应商等。  英富曼公司可持续发展主管Ben Wielgus表示,“作为联盟来共同推动会展业的可
新产品和布局巧妙的展位并不是在展会上给观众留下好印象的唯一手段。很多其他因素也至关重要,但却常常被参展者忽略。  展位位置  参加展览会就像盖造房屋,选到好的位置至关重要。如果可以,参展商应该尽量选择靠近过道、餐饮区、洗手间等人流量大的展位位置。此外,展位需要非常醒目,让观众可以从展馆的主干道一眼看到。值得一提的是,如果展位靠近洗手间,参展员工也可以就近不时地整理仪容仪表,保持良好的外观形象。  
From 8 to 14 April 2019, with more than 620,000 visitors from over 200 countries, bauma 2019, the world’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, co
根据ICCA和UFI的报告,亚太区依然是全球会奖行业的高增长区域。其中,泰国则是东盟地区的领先的会奖目的地,在国际会议方面连续三年蝉联区域第一,在展览方面更是连续14年一路领先。泰国会议与展览局局长Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya先生向记者分享了泰国作为区域会奖胜地的成功要素。  可观的可持续增长  作为知名会奖目的地,泰国在2019年各方面数字依然表现突出。该年度,泰
8月19-21日,在第十届中外会展项目(南京)合作洽谈会在南京空港国际博览中心隆重举办。8月21日上午,作为洽谈会的亮点论坛之一,出展论坛再次如期呈现在会展人士面前。  出国参展是外贸企业尤其是中小企业开拓国际市场的主要渠道。2020年年初爆发的新冠疫情席卷全球,导致多国会展活动停滞,中国企业出国参展严重受阻。但是,出展作为稳住外贸基本盘的重要举措,意义重大。本次论坛以“出展力量与外贸基本盘”为主
Finland is one of the happiest countries in the world. Even if the modest Finns often joke about it, The UN World Happiness Report ranked Finland number one both in 2018 and 2019. And Finland does off
“我期待捷克和整个欧洲的疫情局势在接下来几个月能得到缓和,这样我们最快可以在八月底开始办展。我们也调整了我们最知名的MSV机械博览会的办展方案,增加展会实际举办的可行性。此外,我们正在全力向国家政府申诉,争取早日重启被中断的会展活动。”捷克最大展会主办方与场馆运营方之一——捷克布尔诺商展公司首席执行官辜立杰表示。  记者:新冠病毒对您带来了哪些影响?  辜立杰:我个人没受到任何影响。公司里也没有人
面对疫情,我属于乐观派。大部分会展企业都经历过从无到有的创业过程,创业初期并没有太多主办方的项目支持、没客户积累、没有完整的业务团队和后勤支持部门。创业者自己拿出有限的资金贴补公司运营,在夹缝中求生存并发展至今。相较创业初期的困难,面对当下疫情,每个出展企业的老板应不畏惧。  疫情爆发以来,所有展会项目、所有出展企业都受到影响,概莫能外。本季度展会纷纷延期乃至取消。钟南山院士表示,全球疫情至少将延
近日,全球展覽业协会(UFI)发布了最新的关于对接活动在展览业中的重要性的白皮书。 该报告由UFI营销工作组与来自世界各地的行业专家共同撰写,包含细致分析和最佳实践示例。在之前的杂志中,本刊介绍了该报告中对接会的目标、对接会较为常见的行业。本文将继续介绍该报告中关于对接会形式、对接会收费情况等相关数据。  收费问题  关于提供对接服务是否会向参会者收取费用,79%的主办方表示“免费”,21%表示收
汉诺威国际木工及林业博览会(LIGNA )是全球木材业、家具制造业及木材加工业最重要的展览盛会,创办于1975年,每两年举办一届,也是世界顶尖木工行业和木材加工工业的盛会。该展会无论是在展览规模、参展厂家及参观人数,还是从权威性、专业性、成交金额等方面,都是世界上其它展会无可比拟的。下届展会将于2021年5月10-14日举办。  展商早鸟优惠延期至7月底  据主办方汉诺威展览公司和德国木工机械制造