Numerical Calculation of Flowsin Turbomachinery with Threedimensional Viscous Codes

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cznay
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Afast and accurate three dimensional (3 D) viscous code for calculating flows in turbomachinery has been established.In this code, H meshes are adopted to build the discrete equations, and the conservation equationsare solved on grid nodes atthe corners of cuboid elements.In orderto accelerate convergence,local time stepping,residualsmoothing and multigrid method are also applied,andthe viscous effects are approximatedby a very simple mixing length model.For verification ofthe accuracy and applicability ofthe method,transonicflowsthrough compressor cascades of NASArotor 37 and flows through a turbine stator of NASAhave been calculated.The good agreementbetween experimentalresults and design data has demonstratedthereliability and applicability ofthe present method,which can be usedforsimulatingthe complex 3 Dviscousflow phenomenonin turbomachinery. A fast and accurate three dimensional (3 D) viscous code for calculating flows in turbomachinery has been established. In this code, H meshes are constructed to build the discrete equations, and the conservation equations are solved on grid nodes atthe corners of cuboid elements. In orderto accelerate convergence, local time stepping, residualsmoothing and multigrid method are also applied, and the viscous effects are approximated by a very simple mixing length model. For verification ofthe accuracy and applicability of the method, transonic flowsthrough compressor cascades of NASArotor 37 and flows through a turbine stator of NASAhave was calculated. good agreement between experimental results and design data has demonstrated liability and applicability of the present method, which can be used forsimulating the complex 3 Dviscousflow phenomenon in turbomachinery.
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