近年来,有机会对马铃薯块茎蛾进行了一些调查研究,初步积累了一些感性材料,提出几点看法: 块茎蛾能否在我国北方越冬? 回答这个问题,首先要看马铃薯是怎样冬藏的。如果在加温室内冬藏,块茎蛾不但能够越冬,因为它没有滞育现象,还能继续发育(发育起点在10℃上下)。据今年3月在山西芮城调查,一般是在不加温的室内、或在室外稍加盖复而冬藏的。剖开被害薯检查,并未找到一头幼虫。据
In recent years, there have been some opportunities for potato tuber moths to carry out some investigations and studies, initially accumulating some sensory materials, put forward a few observations: tuber moths can win the winter in northern China? Answer this question, we must first look at how the potato is Tibetan. If winter is in a warm room, the tuber moth can not only winter because it has no diapause but also continues to develop (growth start point is about 10 ° C). According to a survey conducted in March this year in Ruicheng, Shanxi Province, it is generally done indoors without heating or with a little cover in the outdoors. Cut open the victimized potato inspection, did not find a larva. according to