Role of Immune Microenvironmental Factors for Improving the IPI-related Risk Stratification of Aggre

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Objective To investigate the risk stratification of aggressive B cell lymphoma using the immune microenvironment and clinical factors. Methods A total of 127 patients with aggressive B cell lymphoma between 2014 and 2015 were enrolled in this study. CD4, Foxp3, CD8, CD68, CD163, PD-1, and PD-L1 expression levels were evaluated in paraffin-embedded lymphoma tissues to identify their roles in the risk stratification. Eleven factors were identified for further evaluation using analysis of variance, chi-square, and multinomial logistic regression analysis. Results Significant differences in 11 factors(age, Ann Arbor stage, B symptom, ECOG performance status, infiltrating CD8+ T cells, PD-L1 expression, absolute blood monocyte count, serum lactate dehydrogenase, serum iron, serum albumin, and serum β2-microglobulin) were observed among patient groups stratified by at least two risk stratification methods [International Prognostic Index(IPI), revised IPI, and NCCN-IPI models](P < 0.05). Concordance rates were high(81.4%-100.0%) when these factors were used for the risk stratification. No difference in the risk stratification results was observed with or without the Ann Arbor stage data. Conclusion We developed a convenient and inexpensive tool for use in risk stratification of aggressive B cell lymphomas, although further studies on the role of immune microenvironmental factors are needed. Methods A total of 127 patients with aggressive B cell lymphoma between 2014 and 2015 were enrolled in this study. CD4, Foxp3, CD8, CD68, CD163, PD-1, and PD-L1 expression levels were evaluated in paraffin-embedded lymphoma tissues to identify their roles in the risk stratification. Eleven factors were identified for further evaluation using analysis of variance, chi-square, and multinomial logistic regression analysis. Significant differences in 11 factors (age, Ann Arbor stage, B symptom, ECOG performance status, infiltrating CD8 + T cells, PD- L1 expression, absolute blood monocyte count, serum lactate dehydrogenase, serum iron, serum albumin, and serum β2- microglobulin) were observed among patient groups stratified by at least two risk stratification methods [International Prognostic Index (IPI), revised IPI, and NCCN-IPI models] (P <0.05). Con No difference in the risk stratification results was observed with or without the Ann Arbor stage data. Conclusion We developed a convenient and inexpensive tool for use in risk stratification of aggressive B cell lymphomas, although further studies on the role of immune microenvironmental factors are needed.
摘 要:在高校声乐教学中,教师要充分融入传统文化,这样可以进一步提高学生的音乐素养与文化素养。声乐与传统文化之间有着不可分割的关系,传统文化中的精髓可以赋予高校声乐教学以新的生机,并借助声乐教学课堂得到进一步传承。文章主要就高校声乐教学中传统文化的融入途径进行仔细分析,为高校声乐人才的培养奠定坚实的基础。  关键词:高校;声乐教学;传统文化  中国历史悠久,文化博大精深,时至今日,依然流传许多经典
是一副对联,青花瓷字,镶在两片大板上,显得很突出,字体属草书,约是清朝中叶烧制的。问价钱,不便宜,心想以后看着办。过了半年,迁新居,又路过那家艺品店,青花瓷字对联犹置于店中壁边,我再问一次价钱,同样的老板,不同的数目。还是觉得贵了些,摸摸看看,许久才下决心离开。  将近三个月,没有闲暇,直到休年假,整理家具時忆起那一副对联,我特地到艺品店去。  老地方,我一眼瞧及,对联稍惹尘埃,一边拭一边问价,老
摘 要:音乐是让人们进行灵魂互动与情感交流的一座“鹊桥”,从专业艺术角度对其进行分析,音乐讲述的是人们对于美的长久执着。因此,学习音乐、培养审美习惯以及锻炼审美能力就是一个产生美的长期过程。高校音乐教师应拿出自己的真实本领,瞄准入口,抓住契合点,让音乐课堂充满欢声笑语,让学生不仅具备演唱技能,还要启迪学生开发审视音乐美的慧眼,以此调动学生的学习信心和学习积极性,促进学生的身心优质发展。文章简单概括
假设月亮不见了,假设地球没有月亮陪伴,会是怎样的结果呢?  地球在浩瀚的宇宙中,有月亮相伴,实在是件值得庆幸的事情。月亮与地球生命确实存在着很奇妙的关系。法国人在酿制葡萄酒的时候,有一个奇特的传统,酿酒开始的日子,要选择新月的时候。法国人认为,在新月时酿酒,将来的成品没有沉淀,特别清澄。有些动物的交配、生产周期,确实与月亮紧密相关,例如海龟。  除了动植物外,人类的行为方式与月亮也有神奇的关联。现