Samuel Fuller (1912-) interprets the term “Mad Men Piero” as boring, straightforward, aggressive, and hostile, as if torn from a Fuller script. However, the beginning of this article seems to present a brand new image metaphor that the film was a masterpiece of all kinds of previous art and a synthesis from Mayakovsky to Mackay. But when Fuller continued to comment on the merits of the movie with bringing the literary, prestigious and prestigious monographs to billions of people who themselves seemed closer to Salber than those who criticized him, his own approach But with this far gone. In fact, the Fuller, who shot “The Sagittarius”, “The Horror Corridor,” and “Bare Kiss,” did not appear until the end of the article, but “a form that captures the creator” suddenly emerges, “Young people burning new ideas,” and “Sentimental ... being crushed like a mosquito.” Fuller has always been more than enthusiastic over analogy. Fuller was originally a reporter who was associated with the old New York Magazine and traveled all over the country in the 1930s to cover homicide cases. His film production is always inseparable from his previous experience of expeditionary with the First Corps in Africa and Europe. Even the non-war works are filled with well-planned dramatic conflicts of war films. Fuller’s style theory is best illustrated in his narratives, whose purely cinematic energy exhibited by his best works is almost nonexistent in postwar American films. However, Fuller’s pursuit of honor must also be placed on Britain and France because the directors of the United States are pretentious and are not easily editorials. Of course, Peter Bogdanov exception, he is giving now?