
来源 :中央民族大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huzhan_dong
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本文认为, 新中国的民族政策取得了巨大成功, 应认真总结民族政策发展的历史经验。这种经验总结应不同于政策概括, 它应侧重于研究制定民族政策时所遵循的基本方法和原则, 而不是政策内容的本身。这些基本原则有别于普遍原则, 应体现出部门政策特点, 主要有:一切从实际出发, 认真把握民族问题的特殊性; 解决当代中国的民族问题, 必须把发展放在首位;尊重自主权与保证国家大政方针的统一相结合; 尊重和保护民族传统文化与促进民族发展相结合; 国家帮助支援与发扬自力更生精神相结合; 民族政策与其相关领域的政策相衔接。 This article argues that the new China’s ethnic policy has achieved great success and should earnestly sum up the historical experience of the development of ethnic policies. This experience summary should be different from the policy generalization, which should focus on the study of the basic approaches and principles followed in the formulation of national policies, not the content of the policies themselves. These basic principles are different from the universal principles and should reflect the characteristics of the departmental policies. They are: All are based on reality and they are serious about grasping the particularity of ethnic issues. To solve the ethnic issues in contemporary China, development must be given top priority. Respect for autonomy and Ensure the unification of the country’s major policies and principles; respect and protect the national traditional culture and the promotion of national development; combine state assistance and self-reliance; and ethnic policies connect with the policies in their respective fields.
1 病历摘要患者,男,19岁。2年前右耳出现阻塞感,听力逐渐下降,曾在当地医院就诊,诊断为耵聍栓塞,多次取耵聍,但均未能取出。近来听力下降明显加重,时有耳痛,故来我科就诊。
现将本室134例视神经病损视觉诱发电位(VEP)测定情况介绍如下。1 资料与方法1.1 受试对象 134例(268只眼)均为住本院眼科及门诊病人,其中男性79例,女性55例,年龄7岁~76岁,平