以超级杂交稻新组合P88S/0293为材料,探讨了不同钾肥用量对其产量和抗性的影响。结果表明,在每公顷施K2O 135~225 kg范围内,随着钾肥用量增加,P88S/0293的稻谷产量、经济效益和抗病性相应提高;每公顷施K2O 225 kg的处理,产量达到10.75 t/hm2,比每公顷施K2O 135 kg的处理增产稻谷1.5 t/hm2。
With the new super hybrid rice P88S / 0293 as the material, the effects of different potash dosages on yield and resistance were discussed. The results showed that the yield, economic benefit and disease resistance of P88S / 0293 increased with the increase of potash fertilizer in the range of 135-225 kg K2O per hectare. The yield of K2O 225 kg per hectare reached 10.75 t / hm2, yielding 1.5 t / hm2 of paddy than treatment of 135 kg K2O per hectare.