Between Tangibility and Intangibility——A Review on Conservation Planning and Its Implementation in t

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The conservation plan for the famous historical and cultural city of Nanjing was prepared since several yearsago.The plan,being an integral component to enrich comprehensive planning of the city,has been workingeffectively through the planning structure to direct the development of Nanjing.However,upon further analysis,au-thors of this article feel that this plan still has its own deficiences and drawbacks in exploring indepth the city’scultural origin,in selecting the essentials while discarding the dross and in blazing new trails based on the rich legacyof the past.These aspects need to be further investigated and to illustrate these points,two scenic belts are proposedto be included into the conservation plan. The conservation plan for the famous historical and cultural city of Nanjing was prepared since several years ago.The plan,being an integral component to enrich comprehensive planning of the city, has been workingeffectively through the planning structure to direct the development of Nanjing.However,upon Further analysis, au-thors of this article feel that this plan still has its own deficiences and drawbacks in exploring indepth the city’s cultural origin, in the essential essentials while discarding the dross and in blazing new trails based on the rich legacy of the past. These aspects need to be further investigated and to illustrate these points, two scenic belts are proposedto be included into the conservation plan.
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说明: 1.标有“ ”符号的为发声。 2.本操适合于中班。 3.音乐电视剧《霍元甲》主题曲。 第一节:直立推掌 预备直立抱拳;眼看前方。 (图1) ①两掌胸前交叉。 (图2) ②向两侧推掌,掌心向外。 (
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