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璎珞柏也称欧洲刺柏,为柏科刺柏属常绿乔木或直立呈灌木状,树干灰褐色,枝条直展或斜展,小枝细长,并下垂。三叶轮生,刺叶线形,正面微凹,有一条宽白粉带,白粉带的基部常被中脉分成2条。球果球形或宽卵圆形,成熟后蓝黑色。有些地方将刺柏也叫璎珞柏,二者的主要区别是:刺柏的针叶较长,小枝下垂长度不如欧洲刺柏长。欧洲刺柏叶子较小,小枝下垂幅度较大,用于制作垂枝式盆景更具潇洒飘逸的神韵。素材来源璎珞柏繁殖常用播种或扦插、压条等方法繁殖。其幼苗虽生长快,但树干 Apocynaceae also known as European juniper, Cypress juniper is an evergreen tree or erect shrublike, trunk gray brown, branches straight or oblique expansion, twigs slender, and drooping. Trilobal, prickles linear, adaxially slightly concave, with a broad white belt, the base of the white powder zone often divided into two in the veins. Cones spherical or broadly ovoid, blue-black when mature. In some places, the juniper is also called the juniper. The main difference between the two is that the needles of the juniper are longer and the drooping branches are not as long as the European juniper. European juniper leaves smaller, smaller drooping branches, for the production of hanging bonsai more chic elegant charm. Source 璎 Luobo breeding sowing or cutting commonly used, pressure and other methods of breeding. Although its seedlings grow fast, but the trunk