F1新赛季狂飙硝烟弥漫的时刻,世界上众多的车迷在热情期待着法拉利这匹红色“跃马”能否一扫狂澜、车神迈克尔·舒马赫能否夺取第七次年度世界冠军?而此时此刻在天堂上的另一端,有一位紧闭双唇、面容紧绷,一张始终是严肃的脸庞上架有一副墨镜的老人会由衷地感到欣慰的,他就是这匹红色“跃马”的鼻祖——恩佐·法拉利。 恩佐·法拉利,赛车之父,赛车迷们的偶像级人物。恩佐·法拉利于1898年出生于意大利摩德纳一个小钣金厂主的家庭,由于他出生时天降大雪,直到20天以后才得以申报姓名,落上户口。他从小热爱汽车冒险,
F1 new season crazy wild smoke filled moment, the world’s many fans looking forward to fervent Ferrari in the red “jump horse” can swept the tide, the car god Michael Schumacher can win the seventh annual world champion? And At this moment in the paradise on the other side, there is a closed lips, face tension, a always serious face shelved with a pair of sunglasses will be sincerely pleased to the elderly, he is this red “jump horse” The originator - Enzo Ferrari. Enzo Ferrari, the father of motorsports, idol-class figure in racing fans. Enzo Ferrari was born in 1898 in Modena, Italy, a small sheet metal factory owner family, because he was born when the heavy snow, until 20 days later to be able to declare his name, fall into the hukou. He loved car adventure from an early age,