如果不是亲眼所见,怎么也不敢相信:一个乡党委书记在驻军官兵中享有如此高的威信。他只要步入军营,官兵们便簇拥而上,如遇知交;转业退伍的官兵,临走时忘不了去看望他;该乡的200余户军烈属把他家当亲戚走。更令人感慨的是,一个只有5万余人的乡镇,每年用于国防建设的投入达30多万元。他就是河南省偃师市山化乡党委书记智万一。 ●拥军要走出“乡级规模”
If you do not see it with your own eyes, you can not believe it: a party secretary of a township enjoys such high prestige among officers and soldiers of the armed forces. As long as he stepped into the barracks, officers and soldiers would be crowded together. In case of displeasure, those officers and soldiers who retired from the army would not forget to visit him before leaving; more than 200 military families of the township took his family as relatives. What is even more impressive is that for a township and township of only 50,000 people each year, its investment in defense construction amounts to more than 300,000 yuan. He is Yanshi City, Henan Province, Shanhua Township Party Secretary Zhiyi one. ● Yongjun to go out “township scale”