Root-seeking literary development In the early 1980s, the “root-seeking” slogan was initiated by the writer Han Shaoguang. In December 1984 in Hangzhou “New Period Literature Review and Forecast ” theory of the creation of the meeting, Han Shaogong made it clear: “literature has roots, the root of literature should be rooted in the soil of traditional culture, the roots are not deep, There are many roots-seeking literary geniuses such as Li Hangyu, Zheng Wanlong, and Acheng, all of whom have consciously and explicitly ”root-seeking“ consensus and invariably refer to the cultural connotation in literature. Han Shaogong’s work on ”The Roots of Literature“ (”The Writers“, 1985, 4), Zheng Wanlong’s My Roots (Shanghai Literature, 1985,5), Acheng’s Cultural Restrictions on Mankind , 7,6), Li Hangyu in ”reason one