人像摄影是描绘人物形象的造型艺术,它包括头像、半身像、全身像、群像等多种表现形式。我们常见的人像摄影作品以肖像为多。如照相馆橱窗里展开的作品就属于这一类。肖像作品很少带有背景。有些人像摄影作品,除了表现被摄者的外貌、神态之外,还要表现人物在特定环境中的活动。 人像首先要做到形似。 一些人对此可能会有异义,会说,照相机对着他拍摄的,难道还会有假吗?事实并非如此,不同的拍摄角度,不同的光线处理,还有影调、色调等方面的差异,往往会使照片的人物形像有较大变化。因此,能否运用好造型手段,逼真地反映被摄者的外貌,表现良好的皮肤质感,并
Portrait photography is a portrayal of portraits, which includes avatars, busts, body images and group images. We often portrait portraits to portraits. Such as photography shop window works belong to this category. Portrait works rarely have a background. Some portrait photography works, in addition to showing the appearance of the photographer, demeanor, but also the performance of the characters in a particular environment. Portrait must be done first. Some people may have different meanings to this. Will they say that if the camera is facing him, are there any fake ones? In fact, this is not the case. Different shooting angles, different light treatments, as well as cinematic, Differences, often make a larger change in the image of the characters. Therefore, whether we can make good use of the modeling tools, vividly reflect the appearance of the photographed and express a good skin texture, and