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各位校长、馆长,同志们:广东省高校图书馆工作会议,今天召开了。这次会议是在这样的条件下召开的:1、党的十三届七中全会通过了关于制订国民经济和社会发展十年规划和“八五”计划的《建议》,七届人大四次会议通过了相应的《纲要》。国家教委已经订出的全国教育事业十年规划和“八五”计划要点,各省、市教育行政部门和各高校,也在制订“八五”计划。2、全国高校图工委于上月召开了常委会暨图书馆工作座谈会,部署了总结十年、规划十年的任务,以庆祝全国高校图工委成立十周年,迎接明年召开的“第四次全国高校图书馆工作会议”。 You principals, curators, comrades: Guangdong Provincial University Library Working Conference was held today. The meeting was held under the following conditions: 1. The 7th Plenary Session of the 13th Central Party Committee passed the “Proposal” on formulating the “10th Five-Year” plan for the national economic and social development and the “Fourth Five-Year Plan” for the Fourth Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress The meeting adopted the corresponding “outline.” The State Education Commission has already formulated the 10-year plan for education in the entire country and the key points of the Eighth Five-Year Plan. The education administrations and universities and colleges in various provinces and municipalities are also formulating the Eighth Five-Year Plan. 2. The National Higher Education Commission held a forum on the work of the Standing Committee and the Library last month and deployed the task of concluding the 10-year plan and planning for 10 years in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the National Working Committee of Colleges and Universities in the country and to welcome the “ Four times national university library work conference ”.
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甲状腺机能亢进症(简称甲亢)的诊断,一般并不困难。但其特殊临床类型,往往表现复杂,症状特殊,变化多端,有独特的发 Hyperthyroidism (referred to as hyperthyroidism) dia
摘要我国现行刑法于1997年由八届全国人大全面修订,十几年来适应我国经济、社会形势的发展和“惩罚犯罪,保护人民”的需要,与时俱进,经过了数次修正与完善,增删了一些罪名,体现了刑法的变易性。这些变化与刑法的基本原则保持一致,体现了宽严相济的刑事政策。  关键词现行刑法 修正与完善 变易性  中图分类号:D924.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0592(2010)03-010-02    德