
来源 :中国野生植物 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jing8522
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黑穗醋栗(Ribes nigrum L.)别名黑豆、黑加伦、斯马劳金、紫梅等,为虎耳草科茶藨子属(Ribs)的多年生小灌木,果实成熟后呈黑紫色浆果。原产于欧洲,我国栽培的黑穗醋栗系十月革命后由俄侨引入,主要栽培于东北三省,以黑龙江和吉林省面积最大。当前,黑穗醋栗果实主要用于酿造高级果酒如黑加伦酒、黑加伦香槟酒以及汽水等。由于栽培面积迅速发展,产量越来越大,只靠造酒是用不完的,有过剩的趋势。黑穗醋栗果实营养丰富,含有大量红色素。为了充分利用这一资源,我们进行了色素的提取和性质试验,现将结果报告如下。 Black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) Alias ​​Black beans, black Gallen, Smara gold, purple plum, etc., for the genus saxifrage (Ribs) perennial shrubs, the fruit was ripe black purple berries . Originated in Europe, black currant cultivated in China was introduced by Russian overseas Chinese after the October Revolution and mainly cultivated in the three northeastern provinces with the largest area in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. Currently, black currant fruit is mainly used for brewing high-end wine such as black gallant wine, black galán champagne and soft drinks. Due to the rapid development of cultivation area, the output is getting bigger and bigger. It is an endless stream of winemaking and there is an excess trend. Black currant fruit is nutritious and contains a large amount of red pigment. In order to take full advantage of this resource, we carried out pigment extraction and property testing, the results are reported below.
Stepped frequency signal is often used to synthesize high-resolution range profile, but redundant high-resolution range profile exists before synthesis. Two me
近年来,国内外市场梅果供不应求,价格不断上涨,各地梅树种植面积与日俱增。但由于管理水平较低,大多数梅园亩产只有150~200公斤。 氮磷钾是重要的营养元素,它们与梅树的生长
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