Based on the dynamic coupling model of the motor shaft-suspended locomotive-rail vertical coupling, the freedom of longitudinal motion of the locomotive is considered. By comparing the wheel-rail force and the vibration acceleration of the wheel with or without considering the elastic of the track under the traction condition, , The influence of track elastic deformation on the wheel-rail tangential force and its longitudinal vibration was obtained. The results show that when the wheel-rail interface is not disturbed smoothly, considering or neglecting the elasticity of the orbital structure has little effect on the exertion of the traction force and the longitudinal vibration of the wheelset. Under irregular interference, the orbital structure participates in the coupling vibration between the wheel and rail Due to the vertical elasticity and damping of the track, the wheel-rail vertical force, especially the high-frequency force, is buffered and attenuated, resulting in the relaxation of the wheel-rail tangential force and wheelset longitudinal vibration in the high frequency range above 50 Hz, which is conducive to the stability of the wheel circumference traction force Play In general, the analysis of the model without orbital elasticity will cause the predicted wheel-rail tangential force and wheel-on vibration acceleration is too large.