对安阳市不同土壤钾素水平的玉米田块进行钾肥试验 ,结果表明 ,施钾能不同程度地增加安阳市夏玉米的株高和产量 .在低钾土壤上 (速效钾 <12 0mg·kg-1)施用钾肥增产效果明显 ;在高钾土壤上 (速效钾 >15 0mg·kg-1)施用钾肥增产效果不太明显
The results showed that application of potassium could increase the plant height and yield of summer maize in Anyang City in different degrees. (In the low-potassium soil (available potassium <120mg · kg- 1) The effect of increasing potassium fertilizer yield was obvious. The effect of increasing potassium fertilizer yield was not obvious on high-potassium soil (available potassium> 150mg · kg-1)