作者们利用下列改良方法检查前庭器官耳石的功能。对两侧耳屏处皮肤用酒精脱脂,将涂有糊剂的银板电极用胶布固定在该处,戴上耳机和全副装置。被检者取Romberg姿势(两脚并在一起,两手沿裤缝下垂,闭眼)。所用电讯号持续3秒钟。被检者“站稳”约经过5秒钟开始检查。开始用电流强度为120μA(微安),以20μA 为一档逐步加强电流,达效应阈时即出现前庭感觉性和前庭躯体性反应,有眩晕样的不适感和头向阴电极侧倾斜。共测定82名年龄为20~39岁妇
The authors used the following modifications to examine the function of vestibular otoliths. Skin on both sides of the tragus with alcohol degreasing, the paste coated silver plate electrode fixed with tape here, put on the headset and the full set of equipment. The subjects were taken Romberg posture (both feet together, hands drooping along the seam, eyes closed). The signal used lasts 3 seconds. The subject “stand firm” about 5 seconds after the start of examination. Start with the current strength of 120μA (microampere), with 20μA as a file to step-by-step to strengthen the current threshold effect that vestibular sensory and vestibular somatosensory reaction, a sense of dizziness and discomfort toward the cathode side tilt. A total of 82 determined age of 20 to 39-year-old woman