夏埠豇豆是月湖区蔬菜原种场从夏埠乡当地品种中选育的 ,取名夏埠豇豆。经过 1 0年来的不断繁育 ,选种 ,保持着该品种早熟丰产的特性 ,成为主栽品种。从各地引进的品种试验比较 ,优良特征均次于夏埠豇豆。当地菜农对夏埠豇豆是这样评价 :有叶少的没有这样节位低的 ;有节位低的
Xiabu cowpea is the original vegetable field in Yuehu District, Xiabu Township, local breeds breeding, named Xiabu cowpea. After 10 years of continuous breeding, selection, maintaining the characteristics of the varieties of early maturity and become the main cultivars. From all over the introduction of varieties of trials, excellent features are inferior to summer port cowpea. Local farmers on the summer port cowpea is the evaluation: there are less leaves without such low node; low node