Analytical Solutions for Predicting Tensile and Shear Moduli of Triaxial Weave Fabric Composites

来源 :Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Northbay
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Novel micromechanical curved beam models were presented for predicting the tensile and shear moduli of triaxial weave fabric(TWF) composites by considering the interactions between the triaxial yarns of 0?and±60?. The triaxial yarns in micromechanical representative unit cell(RUC) were idealized as curved beams with a path depicted using the sinusoidal shape functions, and the tensile and shear moduli of TWF composites were derived by means of the strain energy approach founded on micromechanics. In order to validate the new models, the predictions were compared with the experimental data from literature. It was shown that the predictions from the new model agree well with the experimental results. Using these models, the tensile and shear properties of TWF composites could be predicted based only on the properties of basic woven fabric. Novel micromechanical curved beam models were presented for predicting the tensile and shear moduli of triaxial weave fabric (TWF) composites by considering the interactions between the triaxial yarns of 0? And ± 60? The triaxial yarns in micromechanical representative unit cells (RUC) were idealized as curved beams with a path imaging using the sinusoidal shape functions, and the tensile and shear moduli of TWF composites were derived by means of the strain energy approach founded on micromechanics. In order to validate the new models, the predictions were compared with the Using these models, the tensile and shear properties of TWF composites could be predicted based only on the properties of basic woven fabric.
摘 要:三年级习作教学的首要任务就是帮助学生尽快建构起习作概念,即通过教师的科学引导,培养学生浓厚的习作兴趣,养成良好的习作习惯,逐步训练小学生的思维和表达能力,使学生乐于、善于表达对生活的理解。如何有效地对三年级学生进行习作启蒙,让学生赢在习作的起跑线上,笔者从四个方面进行了尝试。  关键词:习作教学;听写范文;比较例文;感悟方法;欣赏习作   中图分类号:G427 文献
<正>建国欣临五十年,炎黄子女乐尧天。中央卓识凌高远,百姓雄才步圣贤。锐意兴邦酬壮志,潜心创业奋先鞭。风帆飞驾千重浪,万木同春病树前。 (二) 五十年华过客匆,神州丕振
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