中国楼市深层危机,是在众多利益集团追逐短期利益的作用下, 住房需求膨胀超越了国力新年伊始,中国房地产业向何处去成为媒体关注的焦点。在中国楼市将在2006年末彻底崩溃与房地产将加快发展的明显对立的预言泡沫之中,两个地产商的宣言耐人寻味。上海绿地集团董事长张良玉去年底在住交会上宣称, 2006年绿地集团的销售额将突破250亿元; 在同一个会上潘石屹则宣称,从2006年以后不再碰住宅而转做商业地产。一个继续看好大片住宅开发,一个则要转行做风险更大的商业地产,两个名人的一左一右发人深思。“物有本末,事有始终”。处于转型的房地产业,需要有一种思维,避开喧闹, 登上高山,俯瞰中国房地产的真实面目。只有真实的东西,才能接近产业的核心,因此也就最有价值。
The deep crisis in the property market in China is caused by the pursuit of short-term interest by many interest groups. Housing demand has expanded beyond national strength At the beginning of the new year, where is the real estate industry in China going to become the focus of media attention? Among the clear oppositional bubble of predictions that the property market in China will collapse completely in the middle of 2006 and real estate will accelerate its development, the declaration of the two real estate developers is intriguing. Zhang Liangyu, chairman of Shanghai Greenland Group, declared at the end of last year at the Canton Fair that sales of the Greenland Group will exceed 25 billion yuan in 2006; at the same meeting, Pan Shiyi claimed that he will no longer touch houses and turn to commercial real estate after 2006. A continued optimistic about the large residential development, one will have to switch to more risky commercial real estate, the two celebrities think twice about. “There are things, things have always been.” In the transformation of the real estate industry, you need to have a thinking, to avoid the noise, boarded the mountains, overlooking the real face of China’s real estate. Only the real thing, in order to be close to the core of the industry, so the most valuable.