在台湾省南投县仁爱乡有一名胜区,那里矗立着一座抗日英雄纪念碑。多少年来,观光的旅游者们,无不怀着崇敬的心情前来凭吊,因为1930年在这里发生过一起震动世界的悲壮事件——雾社起义。 仁爱乡当时称雾社(属台中州能高郡),是高山族泰雅人的一个聚居区,有508户,2100多人,分属于十一个社(社是带有原始公社残余的基层社会组织,相当于村落),当地居民以渔猎为主,兼营农业。甲午战争以后,腐败的清政府签订了屈辱的马关条约,把台湾割让给日本。从此,这里的高山族和全岛同胞一起,身受日本殖民者的奴役,过着非人的生活。 日本是个军事封建帝国主义国家,天皇制的确立和军人力量的强大,决定其统治台湾的手段具有极大的残暴性和凶狠性。侵台后,他们制定了各种严刑酷法,实行恐怖统治,警察机构遍布
There is a district of honor in Renai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan, where a Monument to the Anti-Japanese Heroes stands. For many years, tourists have come to rely on their reverence because there was a tragic incident that shocked the world here in 1930 - the Wushe Uprising. Renai Township at that time called Wushe (Taichung County, which can be high-Jun), is a Gaoshan Atayal people inhabited area, 508 households, more than 2100 people, belonging to eleven clubs (community is with primitive communes residual grassroots society Organization, equivalent to the village), local residents mainly fishing and hunting, 兼营 agriculture. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the corrupt Qing government signed a treaty of humiliation and siege of Taiwan to Japan. Since then, the Gaoshan people here, together with their fellow countrymen, are enslaved by the Japanese colonialists and lived inhuman life. Japan is a military feudal and imperialist country. The establishment of the emperor system and the strength of its military forces determine that its means of ruled over Taiwan is extremely cruel and vicious. After their invasion of Taiwan, they enacted various cruel and torture laws and implemented terrorist rule with their police agencies spread throughout the country