The ruins of the Prairie In 1206 AD, the Mongol Empire established by Genghis Khan expanded continuously and most of the Eurasian continent was quickly unified. Later, after his successor, Wo Kweitai (reigned 1229-1241), destroyed the gold in 1234, he directed the South Song. In 1235, in order to show off the mighty and sweating authority of the empire, the Wo Kok Tae Station set out to establish the imperial capital in the depths of the prairie. In Chinese historical materials known as “Hashi and Lin ” or abbreviated “and forest ”. Ha thorn and forest ruins, located in central Mongolia, Mongolia, South Hang love province of assassination and Lin Su Mu, now in Mongolia capital of 220 kilometers west of Ulan Bator. The vast Ordos Plain, 100 km long from north to south, 30 km wide east and west, the Ordos River on the prairie is like a