什么是建筑效益? 本文的看法是:并不把效益作为独特的一个研究领域而是视之为渗透于建筑设计和施工各个方面的一组因素来考虑。效益既是如何有效利用社会资源的问题,又是作为达到这一目的的一整套技术。建筑师应该常常想到如何以最少的资源取得最大的价值去解决建筑问题。 优秀设计和效益之间并无矛盾。我们并不把效益
What is the architectural benefit? The view of this paper is that it does not treat benefits as a unique research field but rather as a set of factors that permeate all aspects of architectural design and construction. Benefits are both a question of how to effectively use social resources and a set of technologies that serve this purpose. Architects should often think of how to get the most value from the least resources to solve architectural problems. There is no contradiction between excellent design and efficiency. We do not put profit