今年以来,睢县县委办公室结合当地实际,大胆探索乡镇党委办公室规范化建设的路子,迈出了可喜的一步,收到了明显的成效。我们的主要做法是: 一、以调查摸底为前提,抓问题,理思路。为全面了解乡镇党委办公室整体现状及存在的突出问题,理清规范化建设的总体思路,今年年初,县委办公室组织专门人员深入全县24个乡镇进行了调查摸底。通过调查,我们发现乡镇党委办公室是当前党委系统办公室中最基层、最薄弱的环节。其突出存在五个方面的问题:一是乡镇党委不重视。相当一部分乡镇党委领导对办公室的地位与作用缺乏认识,不重视党委办公室建设,不注意发
Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the local conditions, the office of Shexian County Party Committee has boldly explored the ways to standardize the office of township Party committees and offices and has taken a gratifying step and received remarkable results. Our main approach is: First, to investigate thoroughly as the prerequisite, grasping the problem, rational thinking. In order to fully understand the overall status quo of the township party committees office and the outstanding problems and clarify the general idea of standardization construction, early this year, the county party committee office organized specialists to conduct in-depth surveys in 24 townships in the county. Through the investigation, we found that the township party committee office is the grassroots and weakest link in the office system of the party committee. Its outstanding existence of five issues: First, township party committees do not attach importance. A considerable number of leaders of township party committees lack of understanding of the status and role of the office, do not attach importance to the building of party committees and offices,