Twelve healthy volunteers (9 women and 3 men) in this study were randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-blind, double-blind. After 4 hours of fasting, on the first day at noon, each of these subjects received three tablets of Psyllium (3.6 grams per pack) or three small packs of placebo dissolved orally in 100 ml of water; one minute after eating Standard meal (445 calories, 600 ml, carbohydrates 40 g, fat 23 g, protein 21 g). An estimate of gastric emptying was obtained by measuring the diameter of the anterior vertebral vertical antrum immediately before taking medication and hourly after 6 hours thereafter. At the same time, subjects were asked to dial “x” on a line of 100 mm vertical graduation meters hourly before eating and 6 hours after eating to indicate the degree of hunger, ranging from 0% to 100%. Postprandial satiety also recorded by the law six hours per hour, “empty stomach” = 0 and “full” = 100. After seven days intermittent, the same method of cross-test. Subjects remained at rest during the test.