小学生作文是一种基础的书面表达训练,要写好一篇文章,要从基础的训练开始。所谓基础的训练就是指导学生去感知事物,就是全面地、细致地、运用包括视觉器官在内的一切感觉器官去感知事物而不单是会“观察”。学生写的文章,往往不具体、欠生动,究其原因,是我们在指导学生充分运用自己的感官去感知事物方面做得不够。在这方面加强了,小学生作文就会具体、生动起来。下面试举教学一例: 我问:同学们吃过苹果吗? (都说吃过)请大家尽量形象地写出苹果是怎么样的。结果,有的学生单一地在苹果的颜色上兜圈子,有的学生笼统地写出了苹果的形状。
Pupils composition is a basic written expression training, to write an article, we must start from the basic training. The so-called basic training is to guide students to perceive things, that is, comprehensive and meticulous use of all sense organs, including visual organs, to sense things and not just “observation.” Students write articles, often unspecified, less vivid, the reason is that we guide students to make full use of their senses to perceive things done not enough. In this respect, the composition of primary school pupils will be concrete and vivid. Here's an example teaching: I asked: Did the students eat the apple? (Both say it was eaten) Please try to figure out how the apple is like. As a result, some students in a single apple circles, some students generally write the shape of the apple.